What Is A Sunday School Class?


In a large population, creating a sense of community and connecting with others is important. In the church, it’s crucial. Sunday School classes are small groups within the larger church in which people of similar age and/or interest take care of and minister to each other. It’s important that community exists in order for relationships to be real and relevant.

Another important aspect of connecting within Glyndale Baptist Church is finding a place to serve. Sunday School classes are the best place to begin that process. Each Sunday School class is designed to help you find a place of service in the church, in the community and in the world.

Sunday School classes are typically organized by age and life stage and meet on Sunday mornings. Bible study is an important aspect of the group meetings. Fellowship and service are also important.

Our Sunday School classes are ‘Life’ Groups. Life stands for “learn,” “involve,” “fellowship” and “evangelism.” As we meet together, we can learn more about Christ and what He wants us to do. Then as we become more involved in our class and fellowship with each other and learn to minister to each other, we can build the foundations that we will need to evangelize our community and the world around us.


Thank you so much for checking out the many Sunday School classes we have for you. I know the journey to find the “right” class can be a little scary and overwhelming, but I want you to know above all, I’m committed to helping you find the right class.

I also want you to know that you have the flexibility to visit as many classes as you need to ensure you find the best fit. Try some classes and if you aren’t finding what you’re looking for, then contact me and I’ll be glad to personally assist you. I am confident that together we can find the right place for you. If you have any questions, please contact me.

Bob Melvin

Sunday School Director

